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SuZaNa@HaZeL iS wRiTiNg On BeHaLf Of HeRSeLf.. Tq FoR dRoPpInG bY.. fEeL fReE tO BrOwSe ArOuNd AnD LeAvE CoMmEnts.. (^_^)



~CN Blue-LOVE Girl MV~

FT Island~I Wish~

~My Fav Picture~

~My Fav Picture~
Goguma Couple 4 eva! credit to mbc.com

CN Blue-Love Light

~CN BlueRoyalBoices~

~CN BlueRoyalBoices~

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

~Another CDs have arrived~ \(^_____^)/

I'm excited! I'm counting days since Sunday and as expected I received the CDs today! I requested the CNBlue Limited Edition First Step n Thank You album n they both arrived today, together with the poster below~~ 

~CN Blue Daebak!~
The feeling is indescribable~~ I feel like flying when I received them~~

Thank you soo much Fizzy~shi...


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