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SuZaNa@HaZeL iS wRiTiNg On BeHaLf Of HeRSeLf.. Tq FoR dRoPpInG bY.. fEeL fReE tO BrOwSe ArOuNd AnD LeAvE CoMmEnts.. (^_^)



~CN Blue-LOVE Girl MV~

FT Island~I Wish~

~My Fav Picture~

~My Fav Picture~
Goguma Couple 4 eva! credit to mbc.com

CN Blue-Love Light

~CN BlueRoyalBoices~

~CN BlueRoyalBoices~

Monday, March 2, 2009

credit to: http://genikwawilliams.wordpress.com/2008/10/15/my-cancer-story-and-national-breast-cancer-awareness-month/

I was told that one of my former classmates for 1119 class in 95-95 is now suffering the no 1 killer diseases in the world-cancer-stage 4.

It broke my heart to hear someone very dear, someone very kind and someone very gentle to suffer like that.

I do believe that only the chosen one will be able to know when the time has come.

As far as i remember, she is very humble and soft spoken. Although sometimes she got a little rough.

p/s: Al-Fathihah to Nurul Izzati. Semoga di tempatkan bersama-sama orang yang beriman.


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