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SuZaNa@HaZeL iS wRiTiNg On BeHaLf Of HeRSeLf.. Tq FoR dRoPpInG bY.. fEeL fReE tO BrOwSe ArOuNd AnD LeAvE CoMmEnts.. (^_^)



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Goguma Couple 4 eva! credit to mbc.com

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~CN BlueRoyalBoices~

Friday, October 2, 2009



Selamat Hari Raya to all muslims around the world.

I finally have the time to sit in front of my laptop n write again..

A few of my friends keep asking me how to polish/improve their English. I said-start your blog today!

Frankly speaking I'm not trying to show off with my English here but I'm trying to improve my English through writing. Although I am an English teacher, but i rarely speak English with my colleagues. Why? Most of them are Malay and I still have inferiority complex within me. Hehehe. I don't care if people criticize on my grammar or sentence structure. This is my blog by the way..

English has been my favourite subject since I was in primary school. I always score good marks in English although my mom never ever speak English with me except-go head basikal tu, pegang handle nye betul-betul, paddle tu kalau tak dikayuh tak bergerak la basikal tu... hehehe.

I do not realize that she was using English words at that time until I learnt the meaning of those words in school..impressive huh!

My mentor always remind me that as an English teacher we have to make the pupils love the subject first. How? Make the subject interesting! Teach them songs, make them act, crafting, etc. Just be creative. And when they are eager to learn then we can start teaching them the real English.

I love to read. I really really love reading-magazines, novels, newspapers, mangas, comic in short anything! Maybe that what makes me ME now. Language can be gain through reading. Yes! I totally agree.

One of my pupils likes reading a lot. She always got an A for her English but she's a bit poor in Maths. Her mother told me that her daughter is a book worm. She can read novels (English or Malay) for hours but she hates Maths very much. Her mother keep blaming me at first for making her daughter love reading so much. I just smile at her. I told that Maths can be improve through practices and I asked her to push her a little bit harder on Maths. It works.

In my opinion, to develop an interest towards something is not easy but when you are able to gain the interest, never look back. So friends, start writing your journal today and don't forget to read ya!


Diyana Zulkifli said...

kak,saye jns takut speaking.klu dl,english spm mmg bleh score sbb saye suke teacher yg ngajar tu.ari2 kene hntr journal kasik die komen. ari2 la crita pasal secret admire..hahahahaha. tp mmg ade improvementla bile tulis diari/journal ni..tp skang,saye dah malas.so teruk la balik penguasaan english tu..huhu

norlilasamad said...

Congratulations, Su. At last, your pupils have followed your footsteps and shown their interest in the language. I'll always be by your side. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.

~HaZeL~ said...

Diyana: ajar maths dpt speaking sikit2 pun ok dh.. dulu my cikgu pun suh wat diary..sama aa kita asyik tulis pasal secret admire jek hihihihi mana x score giler masa spm kn?

Kak Lela: im just lucky i think hehehe. Thanks to u.. I learn alot from u.. kadang tu i cool jek masa meeting..i blajar dr u la tuh... hehehe

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