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SuZaNa@HaZeL iS wRiTiNg On BeHaLf Of HeRSeLf.. Tq FoR dRoPpInG bY.. fEeL fReE tO BrOwSe ArOuNd AnD LeAvE CoMmEnts.. (^_^)



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Goguma Couple 4 eva! credit to mbc.com

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Friday, January 30, 2009

Don't take my child!

"Ya Allah, aku redha dengan ujian Mu"

This poor mother keep repeating the same sentence over n over again. She just lost her 5 days-old baby this morning. According to the doctor, the baby was infected by some sort of diseases n early this morning he left his new family forever. I went there at about 930 am and her house was already full with neighbours n relatives.

Allah had granted her prayer by giving her a boy this time. After 9 months struggling with the pregnancy phase, she delivered her baby in the private hospital. Allah knows the best for everyone. He was able to survive for only 5 days. He took him while the family was rejoicing after the the baby was born.

The 4 sisters were excited to have the only boy in the family to come home. They were preparing toys and clothes for the baby. Unfortunately, today they only had the opportunity to see the small, dull face wrapping in a small, white cloth, lying on the bed. Slowly, the eldest daughter came to the bed and took a glance at the baby. Watching her struggling to hold the tear, her father broke down and cried. Silence took over the wide living room. Everybody was in tears.

I had the same experienced before. My brother had lost his15 days-old daughter last year. It was something undescribable. The doctor told us that if she managed to live, she won't be normal. I had to accompany my brother to the hospital for 15 days. She had to pass the 3 days stages. The doctor said in this kind of situation she would survive at least a week. We were waiting in uncertainty. A few days before she passed away, my brother told me that she was able to open her eyes n move her hands. I still could see the smile he had on his face that day. He looked happy!

On the day he brought her home, he managed to stay calm all the time, but I know he was sad and he tried to stay strong for his wife.

I always wonder how my sister-in-law manage to overcome the lost. I don't have the courage to ask her. I'm afraid it will remind her of her late daughter.

To all parents-Allah had given u His love through ur children. Guide them towards the right path and give them love while u still can.

AlFatihah to Siti Hajar bt Nordin and Mukmin Al-Amin bin Srafi.

The picture is not related to the story. I will write about this cute baby later ya!
Nisreena Nur Jannah-my niece's daughter


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