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SuZaNa@HaZeL iS wRiTiNg On BeHaLf Of HeRSeLf.. Tq FoR dRoPpInG bY.. fEeL fReE tO BrOwSe ArOuNd AnD LeAvE CoMmEnts.. (^_^)



~CN Blue-LOVE Girl MV~

FT Island~I Wish~

~My Fav Picture~

~My Fav Picture~
Goguma Couple 4 eva! credit to mbc.com

CN Blue-Love Light

~CN BlueRoyalBoices~

~CN BlueRoyalBoices~

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

~Trial Mood

My dear Year 6 pupils are sitting for their trial this week. It just started yesterday and as usual.. I am nervous!

Dear Allah The Almighty,
Please grand them health and make them at ease during the exam...
Please grand them ideas that can help them to answer the questions properly during the exam..
Please bless them with loves always...


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