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SuZaNa@HaZeL iS wRiTiNg On BeHaLf Of HeRSeLf.. Tq FoR dRoPpInG bY.. fEeL fReE tO BrOwSe ArOuNd AnD LeAvE CoMmEnts.. (^_^)



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~My Fav Picture~

~My Fav Picture~
Goguma Couple 4 eva! credit to mbc.com

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~CN BlueRoyalBoices~

Monday, November 24, 2008

Abang Oh! Abang..

Please.. don't get too excited. Abang is my own flesh n blood brother huh.

I do not remember when did it happen but all i can say is that, I am glad i was posted here-my hometown.

On that day i was on my way back from bus station-fetching my housemate. It was almost dark so i speed up a little.. just a little *wink*. While i was turning left at the junction, i heard-It's Not Over by Daughtry-ring tone for Abang.

Hello. Kt mana?
Ehmm. Dlm keta. Bar
u lepas amik Jaja (my housemate). Nape?
Hantarkan kita g hospital.

Huh? Hospital? Nape?
Kena sabit (I cut myself with a sickle). (laugh)

(Confuse) OK. Jap lg sampai.

I was thinking, since he was laughing there shouldn't be anything serious right?. Then, my imagination gone wild. Did he cut his leg off? Did he fight with someone? Did he? Did he? Argh!.. Then I told Jaja we should be going there first and she agreed.

As i reached his house, he was waiting-smiling at the living room. My sister-in-law was lying down with my niece. I looked at Abang and he was flashing his smile again. I saw no injury at all. I glanced around his house to search for any trace of blood or any clue of what had actually happen. NOTHING. Confused.Then he pulled out his left hand from his pocket. He showed me his well-bandaged index finger. Oh! Just a minor cut, i said to myself.

But, as he entered the car, the smell of blood lingered. That was when he told me..

Jari kita putus. (I broke my finger)

Huh? I glanced over my shoulder. Biar betul Abang ni? Putus? I tried to keep my composure straight.
He was admitted to a ward that night. I went back for a while to fetch some toiletries for him then i kept him company untill midnight.

The next day, after buying his lunch, i stayed by his side until the next treatment. We were really enjoying ourselves there. He kept teasing me with his injured finger. I didn't dare to look at his hand. Scary... hehehe

This photo was taken before the small operation (to reattach (ada ke perkataan ni) his finger back) took place. I do not have the courage to look at it without the bandage.

Hahaha.. This one is funny. We were laughing like mad when the nurse finished cleaning the wounded finger. It was soooo big. It looks like a drumstick to me. Yum Yum.

This was after the minor operation took place. Again, we were laughing like mad. It looks like a gun/pistol isn't it? Hahahaha.

There goes the story of Abang. We managed to stay together although there were many obstacles occurred in our life. Maybe the two of us may regret our decision to stay here before, but will Allah's guidance we are here until now.

we were here because no one care,
we were here because we really care,
we were here because we love each other,
we were here because we are sister n brother.


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